Breakout: Formal Methods
- Evan Johnson
- Samir
- Tyler Potyondy
- Florian Gilcher
- Petteri Kangaslampi
- Google attempted (and failed) to do some Tock verification in Kani work
- had a bad experience with Kani, easy to write a proof that doesn’t actually verify what you want
- Tried using CBMC verification
- Google was verifying their own drivers and user space code
- This particular team stays close to upstream
Could convert Tock TRD to formal spec. Issue with a lot of current specs not being up-to-date (in draft hell)
- Stuff is actually happening in verification here.
- Google wants to wait for work to continue
- They are out of resources for the next year
- UCSD is doing work with Flux and Verus in Tock
- There is a lot of tools and development
- Many initiatives but no concrete best approach yet
- Eclipse is going to make formal requirement tool
Action items
- We will wait and see what comes out of verification of syscall API and memory model (by people at UCSD).
- Action item is to set up a communication channel.
- Reach out to verus if they are interested in working on Tock as a real world verification target.
- Plug google in with updates and figure out who all is working in this. Connect with Rust verification group or have a 6 month check in.
- touch point between people working on verification before next tockworld